Our Rental Solution Explained
$0 Upfront
- Immediate savings on your electricity bills
- Repayments may be fully deductible
Why finance?
A major reason why many businesses don’t install energy saving equipment on their premises is due to the large upfront cost of the solutions themselves. So we’ve teamed up with industry specialist Solar Financial Solutions to provide our customers with a financing plan that lets you install a range of energy saving solutions without a large upfront payment while letting you enjoy an
immediately lower electricity bill.
How does it work?
Once installed, your lower energy bill plus the rental payments is in most cases less than your old electricity bill. You pay the system off over time – from 2 to 7 years (just like you rent a mobile phone). This way you can often start saving from the day your system is installed. So you can now get the benefits of reduced electricity bills for $0 upfront. There are no costs up front, so get started today!

Who is Solar Financial Solutions?
SmartGen Solar is backed by a number of domestic and international financial institutions. The Solar Financial Solutions team have over 55 years of combined experience providing solar and energy efficiency loans to customers throughout Australia.
What products are eligible?
• Solar and Energy Efficient Lighting
• Voltage optimisation
• Solar PV & Solar hot water systems
• Energy storage solutions
• Chillers, Boilers, HVAC systems
• Cogenerations and tri-generation systems
How much can I finance?
From $10k to $5m
Who is eligible?
To be eligible you must:
• Have been in business for over 3 years
• Own your property or have a remaining lease
term of at least 3 years
Fees and Charges:
$250 application fee (payable with first
rental), $1.99 per direct debit. These are
inclusive of GST.
When do repayments start?
Rental repayments start once the technology
is installed.
What if the technology
doesn’t work?
Once your energy efficient technology is installed, we will verify that you are satisfied with your installation. Repayments are not affected by the savings generated or how much electricity you use. Repayments are an ongoing obligation (just like a mobile phone rental plan).
Early termination.
You can pay up to 1 years rental payments upfront with no penalty. However, fees & charges may apply if you terminate your Rental Agreement early. This is dependant on the number of repayments remaining & any amounts outstanding at the time of termination. See Agreement for further details.
Contact Us Today
Professional, fast, and reliable. Contact us with any questions you may have about residential, commercial or industrial solar systems. You can reach us by email at any time and we will get back to you promptly.
Suite 4, 92 Lincoln Street Oxley 4075
1300 92 61 61